GDSC KitaHack 2023

KitaHack is a 2-month event featuring talks, events, and a hackathon organised by Google Developer Student Clubs Malaysia (GDSC Malaysia)

The event duration is 4th Jan - 10th Mar 2023

Register Now!

Days until Demo-day


Full Guide

What's KitaHack?

Brief overview

KitaHack is a two-month event featuring talks, events, and a hackathon organized by Google Developer Student Clubs Malaysia. It's a great opportunity to get feedback and practice your skills, with the goal of helping you create and fine-tune innovative ideas using Google technologies.


The main purpose of KitaHack is to help participants improve their proposals for the 2023 Solution Challenge. We offer feedback and networking opportunities with industry professionals, speakers, and mentors to help you get the most out of your experience. Plus, there are prizes to be won from our sponsors!


KitaHack centers around the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During the event, you'll be challenged to create a project that helps solve one or more of these goals using Google technologies. It's a chance to make a real difference in the world and learn new skills at the same time.

What is
Sustainable Development Goals?

Normal Track

The Normal Track is an opportunity for you to work on a solution that addresses one or more of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals aim to end poverty, ensure prosperity, and protect the planet. You will have the freedom to choose a theme within the 17 SDGs and develop a solution that makes a positive impact on that theme.

NGO Track

The NGO Track is an opportunity for you to work on a specific problem statement provided by our collaborating non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These problem statements address real-world challenges that the NGOs are currently facing, and your goal is to come up with a solution that addresses these challenges. You will have the opportunity to attend a sharing session with the NGOs, where they will describe their stories, challenges, and solutions they have tried. There will also be mentoring sessions available for teams who would like to consult further with the NGOs.

NGO Track #1

Logo for Teach For Malaysia

Teach For Malaysia

Problem Statement: How can we make it easier for teachers to track student attendance in rural areas?

The very first step of learning is being there to learn. TFM has found difficulties in keeping track of student's attendance and subsequently, a lack of data to enhance their teaching. Many teachers use pencil and paper as it is the most convenient.

Teachers in TFM come from far and wide. Any solution created needs to be low-bandwidth proof or offline. Often, TFM loses touch with teachers for close to a month in rural areas.

Most of the students are primary schoolchildren from government schools. Your effort would not only help TFM, but many other organizations pushing for quality education in Malaysia.

NGO Track #2

Logo for Women For Refugees

Women For Refugees

Problem Statement: How do we upskill and empower refugee women to find sustainable forms of income?

There are an estimated 182,990 refugees in Malaysia. Due to the lack of recognition for refugees, access to employment is extremely difficult and abuse is common. Women are on the brunt of this displacement.

WFR currently has the Refugee Women Development Programme (RWDP) for language & financial literacy and skill-based training such as sewing and crochet. However, it is difficult to convince women to commit cause they do not see the long term benefit of upskilling.

Furthermore, there is a lack of resources like materials and teachers to conduct upskilling programs. Lastly, WFT is always looking for ways to market and sell products made by refugee women to outside parties.


We are currently seeking sponsors for KitaHack 2023. If you are interested in supporting this event and gaining exposure to a talented group of students and professionals, please get in touch with us to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.


Judge and Fund Sponsorship

KitaHack Details

Eh, I heard that KitaHack is coming back for year 2023 leh. Wanna join mou?
KitaHack? I never heard about it before. What is it about?
Walao, you seriously don't know ah? It is the biggest annual hackathon organised by GDSC Malaysia for us to better prepare for Solution Challenge. The participants need to come out with an innovative solution that solves one or many SDGs problems using Google Technologies.
Wahh, it seems interesting la. I think I would like to give it a try. First of all, I need to find my teammates? How can I get more information about KitaHack team formation?
Worries not. You may refer the Team Formation below for more information.
Ok. Thank you very much.

Team Formation

Number of members

A team can have only up to 4 members in a team. Please note that only one entry per person which mean that you can only join one team.

Team members roles

Here is a simple guideline for you when forming a team.

    Project Manager(Team Leader)
    UI/UX Designer
    Frontend Developer
    Backend Developer
    Problem Domain Experts

Team members background

You can have members from any academic background (undergraduate, graduate, art, science backgrounds). However, we encourage you to have members from different backgrounds to ensure that your team can work together effectively.

How to find team members?

You can invite your friend to join KitaHack with you. Alternatively, you can also join our Discord server to find team members.

Ok, cool. Now I have formed a team. What's next?
For now, you can start brainstorming for your project idea. Remember to come up with a project idea that is related to one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You can refer to the UN Sustainable Development Goals for more information.
Ok, noted. I will start brainstorming for my project idea. How can I know whether my project idea is good enough for submission?
Worries not. You may refer the Submission Criteria below for more information.
Submission Criteria
Thanks for the explanation. Now I have my project ready to be submitted. Can I know how will my project be judged?
Worries not. You may refer the Judging Criteria below for more information.

Judging Criteria

Number of rounds

First Round
Impact - 50 points || Technology - 10 points
Second Round
Impact - 10 points || Technology - 50 points


  1. Does the entry establish a clear challenge using their problem statement? ๐Ÿš€
  2. Do they explain clearly which (Selected SDG) they chose for their solution and why? ๐Ÿš€
  3. Feedback from users, testing & iteration ๐Ÿš€
    1. Does the team clearly describe three feedback points they received from real users and the steps they took to test them?
    2. Is there evidence of what the team learned and how the solution was iterated upon based on user feedback?
  4. Does the solution address the challenge (and problem statement) identified by the team? Does the team adequately describe the success of their solution using metrics, goals, and outcomes, or through cause and effect? ๐Ÿš€
  5. Is there evidence of next steps? Does the team display a clear plan for future extension to a larger audience if they were to continue?๐Ÿš€

Prototype / MVP

  1. Does the team clearly describe the following: architecture, high-level components, responsibility of each component, specific products and platform they implemented? Has the team clearly explained what Google technology they used and why? ๐Ÿ’ป
  2. Does the solution implement all the technical components needed to solve the challenge? ๐Ÿ’ป
  3. Does the team clearly describe the following: architecture, high-level components, responsibility of each component, specific products and platform they implemented? Has the team clearly explained what Google technology they used and why? ๐Ÿ’ป
  4. Does the video demonstration show an actual working application (not a mockup) and how a user will interact with the solution? Does the demo show how the solution makes effective and appropriate use of the features of the chosen Google technology or platform? ๐Ÿ’ป
  5. Does the video demonstration show an actual working application (not a mockup) and how a user will interact with the solution? Does the demo show how the solution makes effective and appropriate use of the features of the chosen Google technology or platform? ๐Ÿ’ป
  6. Can the solution, in its current form or minor structural changes, support more users and increased scale? ๐Ÿ’ป

Ensuring Fair and Impartial Judging

  • Ensuring fair and unbiased judging is crucial for the integrity of any competition. We implement measures to eliminate bias when evaluating submissions.
  • We average the scores from multiple judges and drop the highest and lowest scores. This helps to reduce the impact of any individual judge's opinion and focuses on the collective judgment of the group.
  • We believe that this measure helps to ensure fair and unbiased judging and contribute to the overall integrity of the competition. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.


To be announced


We are currently in the process of selecting and inviting the top mentors to join us at KitaHack. Keep an eye out for announcements on their names and expertise in the coming weeks. We can't wait to share their valuable insights and experiences with you!

To be announced


We are currently in the process of selecting and inviting the top mentors to join us at KitaHack. Keep an eye out for announcements on their names and expertise in the coming weeks. We can't wait to share their valuable insights and experiences with you!

To be announced


We are currently in the process of selecting and inviting the top mentors to join us at KitaHack. Keep an eye out for announcements on their names and expertise in the coming weeks. We can't wait to share their valuable insights and experiences with you!

Discord Server

Join the server to ask any question

Frequently Asked Questions

The most common questions about GDSC Kita Hack 2023.

Can I participate in KitaHack as a solo team?

Yes, you are welcome to participate as a solo team. However, if you're looking for team members, you can join our Discord server link to connect with other participants.

I'm a beginner. Can I still participate in KitaHack?

Yes, absolutely! We offer beginner-friendly workshops to help you build your idea.

Who owns the app/solution that my team creates during KitaHack?

Your team will retain ownership of the app/solution that you create during KitaHack.

Can I pick a solution outside the scope of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

While you are welcome to explore any solution ideas, for the purpose of the Global Solution Challenge (GSC) and KitHack 2023 competition, you are required to select a theme within the 17 SDGs.

What happens after KitaHack?

After KitaHack, you'll have the opportunity to refine and improve your solution for the 2023 Global Solution Challenge.

Can I participate in multiple teams?

No, each student is only allowed to be a part of one submission for KitaHack.